Charm and Comfort: Decorating with Stylish Living Room Accessories

Written by Wellcare | Nov 2, 2018 11:22:36 AM

There’s something about living rooms that sets them apart. After all, every section of a house is used in daily life—but there’s something about these rooms that distinguishes them as living rooms.

Compared to other rooms, a living room must be both personal and public. It’s where you’re most likely to entertain guests (apart from mealtimes) but also where you’ll likely spend a good deal of time, especially once you get home after a day of work. A good living room, therefore, is one that puts someone at ease the moment they enter, whether that someone is yourself, a family member, or a guest.


Achieving this kind of effortless comfort, however, takes a bit of deliberate work. Furnishing and decorating the ideal living room is an involved process, which should be taken on carefully.

Living Room Design Starts with the Sofa


The sofa is the foundation of the living room in both function and style. It’s where people are most likely to go, whether for individual relaxation or social interaction, with the rest of the room arranged around it.

Other large pieces follow suit, such as coffee tables, additional chairs, ottomans or hassocks, and end tables. The size, arrangement, and style of each of these items, however, play off the character of your chosen sofa.

In choosing a sofa, comfort is essential. Pay attention to the seat’s height and depth. All too often, sofas are made in what Alan Hedge of Cornell University’s Design Department calls the “sit-and-sink style.”

Sofas of this sort combine a number of problems—seats too deep, cushions lacking firmness, seats, armrests, or backrests of awkward height—which results in poor support for those using them. This leads to strain on your spine, pelvis, and legs. This muscle strain can be aggravated by the effort it takes to get up from too-soft upholstery.

For better results, choose a sofa with firmer cushions (or hand-wound springs, though this is rather pricey) and ensure that the backrest and seat depth match your behavior. A slight recline is great for watching TV or conversing with others, for instance, while a straight back with middle-height armrests are good for reading (though you may simply have an armchair for this).

Accessories: Unique and Useful


Architect and designer Elizabeth Roberts stresses the importance of planning (and budgeting) ahead for accessories, textiles, and other accents: "The small pieces are what add personality."

A few eclectic items—whether these are store-bought decorations, commissioned artworks, or souvenirs from vacations—will go a long way in avoiding the “showroom look,” a term designers use for monotonous rooms that look like they were furnished from a single store. These personal touches emphasize the solace of home and will put you further at ease.

On top of their aesthetic appeal, accessories can also serve functional purposes. Scented candles can be used for aromatherapy (or to diffuse stronger odors from cooking or cleaning). Mirrors can increase the effects of natural light. Certain items, like clocks, calendars, or storage chests, typically provide both artistic and practical benefits.

Pillows, in particular, can be used to add color and character while improving on—or making up for—your furniture’s comfort. Thick throw pillows can make up for a too-deep sofa seat, for instance, while a thinner would could support your elbows while reading. Long, narrow pillows can be used to provide additional support for your neck, when necessary.

It’s easy to shop for pillows based on comfort and practicality, because the availability of pillow cases in various designs makes it easy to match them to any decorating motif.

Choosing Living Room Accessories


The best living rooms are, ultimately, the ones that are really lived in. In terms of choosing furniture, that means finding materials that are suited to daily use—no finicky fabrics or fragile materials.

Wellcare’s products, including a variety of pillows, are made with this in mind. We use only materials that are durable and comfortable to the touch. They’re also environmentally friendly in line with ISO 14000 manufacturing standards.


Choose Wellcare


Our products are designed to improve daily life in small, but significant ways. When you choose Wellcare, you’re choosing innovation in design and excellence in materials.


So don’t delay—spruce up your living room with Wellcare today.