Falling Asleep: How Long It Takes and How To Make It Happen Faster

Written by Wellcare | Dec 23, 2017 5:21:00 AM

Have you been wondering “How long does it take for me to fall asleep?” Then we have the definitive answer for you. This article will discuss the normal time it takes for a person to fall asleep as well as tips on how to fall asleep faster. So, read on.

So how long should it actually take for me to fall asleep?

The answer may surprise you. It does not take as long as you might think. On average, it only takes 15-20 minutes to fall asleep. This is called sleep latency, and it is the normal cycle for most people.

What if it takes a shorter or longer time for me to fall asleep?

Dozing off before or after the average time means your body might be trying to tell you that something is wrong.

  • Falling asleep too soon

Do you fall asleep as soon you get in bed? This could be because you are not getting enough sleep, and the only solution to this is for you to sleep more. For adults aged 25 to 64, the National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per day.  

  • Falling asleep too late

If takes you an hour or more to fall asleep, you may be experiencing sleep onset insomnia, which is being unable to fall asleep during the body’s normal sleep onset. It is quite common for people to get sleep onset insomnia, and the causes are usually tied to what you do during the day.

You can try fixing the issue by improving your sleeping habits. Don’t consume caffeine before bedtime and don’t spend too much time on your phone before sleeping.

Should any of these problems persist, you need to set an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

How can I fall asleep faster?

Once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite easy to fall asleep faster. All it takes is a little commitment and discipline. Here are some things you can do to fall asleep faster:

  • Relax.

Sounds really simple doesn’t it? Yet, relaxing is something that some people find hard to do before sleeping. The key is to start the process even before you jump in bed. Take a warm bath; the heat will will soothe your muscles and make sleeping easier. To sleep faster, you also need to prevent yourself from thinking about any stressful thoughts. Free your mind by practicing meditation and breathing techniques.

  • Warm yourself up.

A big part of sleep is comfort, and such is hard to come by in winter when the freezing temperatures make being comfortable a challenge. What you can do is get yourself a high-quality electric blanket, as the heat from it allows for a good night’s rest even as cold winds are blowing outside your bedroom. Choose an electric blanket made of soft fabrics like fleece or cotton which provides adequate warmth but is still breathable for maximum cosiness

  • Ditch the caffeine.

It can take four to six hours to digest coffee, depending on your metabolism. Observe how long caffeine lingers in your system so you can avoid taking it too close to when you sleep—or play it safe and lay off the coffee and other caffeinated drinks six hours before bed.

It is also ideal to cut back on your total daily coffee consumption. In addition to sleeplessness, the excessive caffeine can lead to migraines, tachycardia (fast heart rate), and stomach issues.

  • Keep your gadgets away.

Researchers from two of London’s top universities (King’s College London and Cardiff university) have completed a study which proves that electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets do in fact disrupt sleep, especially in children.  

Furthermore, it isn’t just using these devices that causes sleeping problems. The study states that simply having a device near you is enough to interrupt your sleep. So, the best thing for you to do is keep them as far away from you and your bed as possible before sleeping.


How to create the perfect sleeping environment?


If you are looking for ways to get a better night of sleep, creating a perfect sleeping environment might be a great solution.

Colors, noise, bed sheet fabrics are just a few elements that can affect your sleep. Eating any kind of food in bed should definitely be avoided. If your bed is messy and have too many things laying all over your bed, that will probably reduce your sleep quality too.

We have compiled all valuable information on the topic of sleeping environment and turned them into a FREE Ebook. It will definitely help you sleep better, click on the link below to download now.