Can't fall asleep? Try these tested methods to enjoy sleep like never before.

Written by Wellcare | Mar 5, 2019 10:08:00 AM

A good night's sleep is as crucial as daily exercise and healthy diet. Poor sleep has a negative impact on your overall health, mood, and productivity. There has been a steady decline in the quantity and quality of sleep in the last couple of years. If you want to reverse that situation then it is time you take a look at these important ways that can help you sleep better.


Ways to get better sleep at night


Take a look at the ways you can have better sleep each night.


Warmth is all you need


The cold weather not only has an impact on the temperature but also affects the habits, air, and more importantly your sleep. Fall is at your doorstep and with that the cold winter temperature will come your way. Besides keeping warm, there are several other challenges that winter brings with it.


The dry air and frequent colds have the power to steal your slumber. All of these reasons might leave you sleepless which in turn has its own set of troubles.  It is time to learn how you can keep yourself warm all night long and enjoy your beauty sleep. Why be restless when there are several ways to keep warm and comfy? Using a heated mattress pad or blanket is the best way to fall asleep quickly and comfortably.


There are way more advantages of heated pads and mattresses than you can imagine. It provides therapeutic relief and cures every kind of pain while relaxing your muscles, promoting better blood flow, and easing tension.


MEDICA is a medical international trade fair that takes place each year. Wellcare attended it and had its own game to engage the minds of those who visited it. It was here that Wellcare gathered the knowledge regarding different behavior of people right before they slept. Most of them agreed that their sleep is disrupted due to the lack of warmth.


Wellcare exhibits are Medica, attracting many customer of interest. 


There is nothing better than slowly drifting off to sleep under the gentle warmth and softness of the blanket and mattress. When you are warm the chances of waking up in the middle of the night also reduces.


Let the lights stay off


Your bedroom should be warm and inviting. If there is too much light in the room then it is going to be problem for you to fall asleep at night. When you sleep with the lights on it ends up affecting your hormones, increasing your blood pressure, and also enhances the problem of insomnia.


According to recent studies, people who sleep better at night have a better energy level to handle the chores of the upcoming day. You should not only turn off the lights in your bedroom but also draw the curtains to avoid the street lights flooding in your room. A dark room will calm your senses and bring a sense of relaxation. If you are travelling, then don't forget your eye mask. Make sure it’s dark enough every time you tuck in for the night.


No room for electronics in your bedroom


If you are looking for quality sleep then it’s a must to keep away every electronics. Our laptops, tablets, and cell phones have become a major part of our everyday life so much so that it we find it hard to put it down even at night, when we are about to sleep.


Keeping your phone tucked in with you might not seem that big a deal but in reality, it is. Technology has the power to affect your sleep in ways that you can't even imagine. The production of melatonin is restricted due to the blue light that your phone, tablet, laptop, and television emits. This is the hormone that which controls the sleep cycle in our body. Lower levels of melatonin make it hard to sleep. It is time to transform your bedroom into a technology free region.


Many people believe putting away electronics is important to getting a better night of sleep


Get hold of a book


Reading just before you go to sleep has the power to relax you in a significant way. It reduces the stress levels by 70%. When you read a book, it engages your mind and distracts you from every worry and stress that has the power to cause tension.


Stories have the potential to transport you to a different world which means you get the freedom to leave all your worries behind. Reading will also help to relax your muscles and take care of your breathing patterns. All of this will help you feel relaxed and calm.


How about some music?


Music is much more than just a source of entertainment. It has an effects on our parasympathetic nervous system, this causes relaxation and prepares our body for sleep.


When an adult listens to soothing music for 45 minutes before bed it helps them to sleep better, longer, and faster. If you feel calm and relaxed while you are listening to music, understand that it is actually working. Music also has the power to slow down your breathing, lowers blood pressure, and takes care of your heart rate. Choose slow tunes for this purpose.


Be comfortable


In order to enjoy high quality sleep there are a few things one must do. This includes a cool, dark bedroom, soulful music, warm bed, and comfy PJs. Before you climb into bed change into something that is 100% pure cotton. This will disperse the moisture and body heat while keeping you non-clammy and cool. Clothes that maximize breathability are the best option here.


You can even choose silk pajamas for ultimate luxury and comfort.


What are the other ways that can help you to sleep better?


Take a look at some of the other tips that can help you sleep peacefully at night.


  • Have a glass of chocolate or warm milk before you sleep. This will give you a feeling of satiety

  • Essential oils have therapeutic properties and will relax your nerves. It is extremely effective when it comes to inducing sleep.

  • After you are done with your dinner, go for a small walk. This will stretch your muscles and offer you a goodnight's sleep.

  • Always clean your room before you go to sleep.

  • Try wearing socks to bed. This will retain your body heat and improve blood circulation.


A majority of the population today find it hard to fall asleep at night. The reasons to which can be plenty. But, if you are looking for ways that can make your life comfortable, easy, and healthy then these are the ways you have to opt.


Are you looking for ways to sleep better at night? Creating a better sleeping environment might be the key to sleep well. What are some ways to help you sleep better at night? Click on the link below to download our FREE Ebook now.