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Tinnitus Sounds: Types, Causes, and Treatment

Jun 16, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Wellcare posted in Tinnitus information



Barbra Streisand is a singer and actress with a career that spans over six decades. She has achieved success in multiple fields and amassed a huge fanbase.


Her success becomes even more astounding when we consider the hardships she had to deal with right from her childhood.


Barbra has been suffering from Tinnitus since her school days.

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Major Tinnitus Breakthroughs In Search for A Cure

May 16, 2023 4:22:34 PM / by Wellcare posted in Tinnitus information

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Keanu Reeves is a popular Hollywood actor who has won the hearts of audiences in films spanning decades. All the way from Matrix and Bill & Ted’s excellent adventures to John Wick, Keanu has enjoyed success as well as emerging as a well-loved personality among fans.

It’s no secret that he has overcome personal challenges aplenty to reach where he is today. He revealed in an interview that he suffers from Tinnitus in his left ear. It has been a challenging condition for him to manage with the work he does.

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A Primer on Hyperacusis Treatments: Do They Work?

Oct 17, 2022 3:30:00 PM / by Wellcare posted in Tinnitus information



Every day, we absent-mindedly listen to dishes clattering, birds chirping, and cars honking. For most people, hearing these sounds is nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, almost everyone does it subconsciously. But for people living with hyperacusis, exposure to everyday sounds can feel equivalent to torture.

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Original publish date: June 28, 2022, Revision Date: June 28, 2022

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