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Post-Pandemic Health Boom: Seizing the $1.5 Trillion Opportunity in Self-Care, Health & Wellbeing for 2024 and Up

Sep 23, 2024 4:41:12 AM / by Wellcare



In the wake of the pandemic, the focus on self-care and chronic disease management has intensified, highlighted by the findings from Medica 2023.

This blog explores the key trends that are reshaping healthcare, focusing on the accelerated adoption of digital health services due to professional shortages, the transformation of homes into wellness sanctuaries, and the critical impact of sleep and diet on overall health. We will be exploring the following six key industry trends:


Healthcare Professional Shortage and Digital Health Solutions:
With a rising demand for healthcare and a shortage of professionals, there's a significant push towards telemedicine and digital health solutions to bridge the gap.


Home as the Optimal Recovery Environment:
Homes are increasingly seen as ideal settings for health management, with bedrooms tailored to provide comfort and care for chronic conditions.


Impact of Sleep and Diet on Health:
Good sleep and diet are critical to health, influencing everything from physical appearance to mental well-being.


Consumer Expectations in Health Products:
Consumers are looking for products that offer more than functionality; sensory experience and emotional connection are also key.


Scientific Validation Enhances Trust:
Products backed by scientific testing and certifications are more likely to be trusted and preferred by consumers.


Electric Blankets—A Case Study in Untapped Potential:
Despite their long history, electric blankets are underutilized, and manufacturers need to better communicate their benefits, especially for improving sleep.



Post-Pandemic Health: Sleep, Chronic Disease, and Self-Care




In the post-pandemic era, while many have reverted to their previous lifestyles, a significant portion of the population continues to grapple with the aftermath of COVID-19. Known as "long COVID," this condition leaves individuals feeling physically weaker, and more socially and financially vulnerable due to symptoms like fatigue, breathlessness, body pains, and poor concentration.


Notably, about 31% of those with long COVID suffer from sleep disturbances that are at risk of becoming chronic conditions. On a positive note, the pandemic has heightened public awareness about the importance of self-care and proactive health management.


This shift in perspective was prominently discussed at the November 2023 Medica trade fair, which focused on the crucial link between health and sleep under the theme "Where Healthcare Is Going."


The insights gathered from the Wellcare interactive survey at Medica 2023, which included responses from a diverse group of participants ranging from healthcare professionals to industry executives, underscored the ongoing need to manage chronic diseases and improve sleep quality for a healthier life.


This dialogue was further enriched by feedback from those who engaged with the Wellcare interactive game during their busy schedules, highlighting a commitment across continents—from Europe, America, Asia, to Africa—to advancing non-pharmacological health management strategies.


These discussions, aligned with global observances like World Sleep Day and initiatives like "Healthy People 2030," advocate for an integrative approach to health that prioritizes early and effective management of self-care practices.






Healthcare Delays and the Future of Home Care


As healthcare systems globally face unprecedented pressures, the future of treatment is rapidly evolving towards home-based care. Following a peak in September 2023, NHS England reported over 7.77 million people on waiting lists, and more than 300,000 of the waits have been for longer than a year.


Similarly, reports from the Consumer Choice Center in 2023 highlight that the average waiting time for an appointment with a primary care physician in the United States can extend up to three weeks, and in Spain, elective surgery bookings can take as long as 77 days.


Data from a Wellcare survey conducted at Medica indicates that 59% of participants acknowledge similar challenges with lengthy healthcare waiting times in their own countriesQuestion 3. The pandemic has notably reduced the frequency of medical visits for chronic conditions, exacerbating the community health burden.




Question 3]
: Wellcare in Medica survey shows that 59% of participants agree that their country also faces similar issues with long waiting times for medical appointments.



A shortage of healthcare professionals and a growing elderly population only compound these challenges, pushing the healthcare sector to accelerate digital and remote medical technologies. In light of these challenges, homes are poised to become the optimal settings for recovery and ongoing care.


The convergence of medical advancements, technology, and legislative support is transforming how care is administered, making "home" the new frontline of healthcare for the future.



The Critical Role of Sleep in Managing Chronic Diseases


Emerging research continues to highlight the pivotal role of sleep in the management of chronic diseases. While poor sleep does not necessarily cause chronic conditions, it can significantly worsen their outcomes.


According to data collected, over 86% of respondents agree that poor sleep exacerbates chronic diseases, with around 96% acknowledging that good sleep quality can substantially aid in managing these conditions Question 8 and 11.




Question 8]: Chronic diseases are not necessarily related to poor sleep, but over 86% of participants agree that poor sleep will worsen chronic diseases.



Question 11]: Approximately 96% of participants agree that good sleep quality helps manage chronic diseases.


Globally, approximately one-third of adults are diagnosed with Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC), diseases that often cluster together and increase the risk of developing other serious health issues, such as depression linked to strokes and Alzheimer’s, or tuberculosis associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


The burden of these conditions includes deteriorated quality of life, increased personal healthcare costs, inability to work, symptom management challenges, and a significant load on caregivers. Sleep is far from a passive activity; it is a vital process through which the brain and body restore and recalibrate themselves.


Insufficient sleep disrupts key neurological processes and impairs cognitive functions. Experts point out that adequate sleep is essential for mitigating the burden of chronic diseases.


As outlined in "Healthy People 2030," healthy sleep involves not just sufficient duration, but also quality, proper timing, regularity, and the absence of sleep disorders, emphasizing the comprehensive nature of what constitutes restorative sleep.


The Wellcare BBC (Best Bed Climate) Design series, featuring an array of products including electric blankets, snuggly heating cushions, electronic foot warmers, cell heating pads, and neck & shoulder heating pads, is designed to support optimal sleep conditions at home.




These products ensure that every moment at home contributes to comfortable and high-quality sleep, aiding in the better management of health overall.


To explore more about how Wellcare's innovations are enhancing sleep health and thus aiding in chronic disease management, visit our website or read further on our blog about the connection between anxiety and sleep.



Unlocking the Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep: Temperature, Breathability, and Humidity


A restful night's sleep hinges crucially on three environmental factors: temperature, breathability, and humidity. Wellcare's BBC Design takes a comprehensive approach to creating the optimal sleep environment by focusing on these elements. To better understand the Wellcare BBC Design and products, watch our detailed video.


Our survey findings indicate that temperature, light, and sound are the top three factors affecting sleep quality. Interestingly, while humidity plays a crucial role in sleep, it is often overlooked, with only 2.7% of respondents recognizing its importanceQuestion 10】.


 [Question 10]: "What factors affect your sleep quality?" The top three are Temperature (24.32%), Light (21.62%), and Sound (16.22%). Humidity levels, at only 2.7%, are less noticed.



This is confirmed by our survey, where 100% of participants agreed to try bedding that provides these conditions, demonstrating a clear preference for environments that support healthy sleep Question 12.




[Question 12]: "Sleep experts agree that the ideal bed climate, including breathable and warm bedding, can help improve sleep quality. Would you give it a try?" 100% of participants marked the highest agreement level.


"Create a perfect sleep environment for better sleep," and 100% of respondents are willing to try products that include breathable and warm bedding to improve their sleep quality.


Humans are endothermic, meaning our core body temperature is higher during the day and drops at night. This natural decline continues during sleep, reaching its lowest point in the early morning before starting to rise again.


Adjusting the home thermostat to lower temperatures at night can sync with these natural body rhythms, signaling to the body that it's time to sleep. Typically, the extremities like hands and feet remain warmer at night, and a cooler bedroom temperature (between 16°C and 20°C, varying by individual preference) facilitates heat dissipation, aligning with the core body temperature for a harmonious sleep cycle.


People with chronically cold extremities often have a harder time falling asleep. Wellcare's BBC Design uses advanced 4D DWF flexible heating products to enhance breathability and regulate temperature, thereby raising the distal skin temperature to aid in faster heat dissipation and encourage sleep.


Despite their popularity, some users of electric blankets report challenges such as feeling overly warm or waking up during the night, which may lead to discomfort or even necessitate getting up. This can be attributed to heat build-up under the blankets, disrupting sleep.


Wellcare's innovative design addresses this by aiming to prevent excessive heat accumulation, instead maintaining a balance that promotes continuous and restful sleep.



Breathability: An Invisible Yet Crucial Factor for Quality Sleep


While the influence of temperature, light, and sound on sleep quality is well-documented, breathability is an often overlooked yet critical component.


Despite its invisibility, 92% of respondents in a Wellcare survey acknowledged that the breathability of their bedding significantly impacts their sleep qualityQuestion 10-1】. This realization underscores the subtle but profound role that air flow through bedding plays in enhancing sleep.



[Question 10-1]: "Breathability is invisible. But do you agree that the breathability of the bed affects your sleep quality?" Over 92% of respondents agree or strongly agree. 

Although breathability did not rank among the top three factors impacting sleep quality, when specifically queried about the breathability of the bed, over 92% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the breathability of the bed affects their sleep quality.



Wellcare BBC Design: Innovating for Optimal Sleep Comfort

The Wellcare BBC (Best Bed Climate) Design ingeniously addresses the issue of heat accumulation, which can disrupt sleep by causing overheating and discomfort.




By integrating hundreds of small, breathable circular holes into the blankets, akin to tiny windows, these products significantly enhance air circulation. This innovative feature helps prevent the common problem of overheating under heavy bedding, thereby reducing instances of disturbed sleep and skin irritation.


For individuals beginning their sleep, the Wellcare electric blankets equipped with a 2-hour timer offer a unique advantage. They maintain the ideal sleeping climate through one complete sleep cycle (90-120 minutes), automatically shutting off thereafter. This allows the residual warmth and breathable environment to support continuous, comfortable rest.



Extended Comfort with Wellcare’s Flexible Solutions

The Wellcare 2-in-1 electric blanket goes further by offering an 8-hour sleep mode, designed for those who prefer prolonged warmth. This feature aligns with the core body temperature concept, balancing warmth, breathability, and humidity for a superior sleep experience. Whether you prefer an over blanket or an under blanket, Wellcare provides options to suit all preferences with materials carefully selected for their tactile quality and comfort.



Safety and Hydration Considerations

Long-term use of electric blankets, especially on higher settings, can lead to dehydration and "heat fatigue," particularly for those with sensitive skin. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to optimize the use of heated bedding to ensure it enhances rather than detracts from sleep quality.



Inclusive Design and Clinical Validation

Interestingly, about 90% of survey respondents expressed willingness to try breathable heating products Question 13. This enthusiasm is partly due to the gender-neutral design of Wellcare products, which cater to all users regardless of gender, with women often more susceptible to cold.


[Question 13]: Wellcare in Medica: Would you be willing to try it? Yes: 25.93%, If it really helps, I might give it a try: 62.96%, No: 11.11%. Altogether, about 90% are willing to try. 11% are not willing.


The clinical validation of Wellcare’s electric blankets shows significant increases in slow-wave sleep duration, particularly among female users, highlighting the products’ effectiveness in improving sleep quality.


Wellcare commissioned a Clinic Verification Study with sleep experts, which revealed that after using the Wellcare Electric Blanket, 100% of female participants and 75% of male participants showed higher slow-wave sleep times compared to those who did not use the heated blanket. The average slow-wave sleep growth rate with the Wellcare 4D DWF Electric Blanket reached 108%, demonstrating its ability to improve sleep quality for individuals.



The Art of Sleep

Perfecting the sleep experience is akin to an art form, requiring attention to various environmental details such as temperature, breathability, and humidity. Misjudging these can lead to discomfort and sleep disruption.




Wellcare's research and product design focus on these elements to create an ideal sleep environment that begins well before bedtime. The BBC Design series offers a practical yet luxurious approach to sleep that needs to be experienced to be fully appreciated.


For those looking to transform their sleep experience, it's time to explore the Wellcare BBC Design series, where every detail is crafted to support restorative sleep.

Learn more about creating the ideal sleeping environment with Wellcare's innovative solutions:



Take action now for your perfect night's sleep with Wellcare.



Discover the Benefits of Electric Blankets for Faster, More Comfortable Sleep


At Wellcare, our 2023 MEDICA questionnaire revealed compelling insights about the lesser-known advantages of electric blankets【Question 14】.  Respondents identified that these blankets not only keep hands and feet warm—voted as the top benefit by 47.06%—but also help individuals fall asleep quicker (14.71%) and improve heat dissipation (11.76%).



These benefits address both comfort and efficiency in sleep management by minimizing the temperature differences between the body and the environment, thereby saving on electricity costs as well.



Why Electric Blankets Are Overlooked and How We Can Address This

Despite their clear benefits, some users have reservations about using electric blankets due to safety concerns (3.57%) and lack of awarenessQuestion 15】.  A significant number of respondents (25%) reported that they don’t use electric blankets simply because they have never felt the need, indicating a potential gap in market communication.




Final Thoughts and a Call to Action for Businesses

For manufacturers and distributors, especially those within the flexible heating products industry, these insights offer a clear indication of market needs and potential areas for product development and education. As the demand for self-health management solutions continues to grow, understanding consumer perceptions and enhancing product safety can greatly increase adoption rates.



Download the Full Report for In-Depth Insights

We invite all industry professionals interested in further details and data to download our full report from the Wellcare in Medica 2023 survey.


This comprehensive document includes feedback from buyers and experts, offering valuable perspectives on managing chronic diseases and improving sleep quality through innovative bedding solutions.


Download the full report and gain a competitive edge in the healthcare market.


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Topics: All About Electric Blankets, Health & Wellness Info, Sleep Industry News For Businesses


Written by Wellcare

Wellcare Co., LTD. was established in 1995 with “increasing the value of life and creating family happiness” as the company’s original goal with a focus on delivering better life experience through healthcare products and relaxation technologies.

Original publish date: July 1, 2024, Revision Date: July 1, 2024

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